
Photo: Anne Michelle MalloyHeader Photo: Hayim Heron

Photo: Anne Michelle Malloy

Header Photo: Hayim Heron


Class Description

Georgia’s class is a free flowing movement meditation, and a dive into improvisation. Through imagery and sensation based prompts, we explore connections between imagination and physicality, and research our own way of moving. Informed by her time dancing and teaching for Andrea Miller’s company Gallim Dance, each class offers peaks of high intensity physicality, flirtations with form and a space to exercise our creative play.

Teaching Experience

Most recently Georgia has led improvisation classes at Peridance Studio, New York, Sarah Lawrence College, Adelphi University and Women In Sound as a guest teacher.

With Gallim Dance, Georgia has taught company class, masterclasses and set repertory since 2014. Schools and institutions visited include Gibney Dance NYC, Steps on Broadway NYC, University for the Arts Philadelphia, Stockton University New Jersey and Babson College Boston.

Available for teaching opportunities for all ages and levels - Get in touch!

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Gallim Masterclass Students, Maimi

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Curator & Producer